Management System to Protect Intellectual Property in Brazil: Difficulties and Perspectives for the Sector of Patents and Trademarks
Dr. José Matias-Pereira
Journal of Management Policies and Practices, 1(1), pp. 09-21.

This article aims to assess the level of performance management system to protect intellectual property in Brazil, particularly the registration of patents and trademarks. The analysis was based on the institutional framework of the country in the area object of study: Law of Industrial Property of 1996, the guidelines of Industrial Policy, Technology and Foreign Trade, 2004, the Law of Technological Innovation, 2005, Law the Well, 2005, the Productive Development Policy, 2008, the Plan of Action for Science, Technology and Innovation for National Development - 2007-2010, National Strategy for Science, Technology and Innovation 2012-2015. Examination of the improvements that were introduced in the institutional framework in Brazil in recent years and the improvements that resulted in the management of public policies to protect intellectual property revealed that there are still serious difficulties in implementation and management of these policies, particularly in the segment of the record of trademarks and patents.

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Matias-Pereira, Dr. José. (2013). Management System to Protect Intellectual Property in Brazil: Difficulties and Perspectives for the Sector of Patents and Trademarks. Journal of Management Policies and Practices, 1(1), pp. 09-21.

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Dr. Jose Matias-Pereira. Economist (1974) and attorney-at-law (1992). Doctor in Political Science from Complutense University, Madrid, Spain (2001) and did Post-Doctorate studies in Business Administration at University of São Paulo, Brazil (2005). Professor and researcher at the Graduate Program in Accounting and Professor of Public Administration and Public Finance at the School of Economics, Business and Accounting, University of Brasilia since 1995. In addition to his academic activities, Matias-Pereira worked as an economist at the Institute of Applied Economic Planning and Research (IPEA) between 1975 and 1995. The IPEA is a foundation linked to the Presidency of Brazil that provides technical and institutional support to the government's financial and economic policies and programs.

With a solid background in Government and Public Administration, Matias-Pereira is also experienced in the following areas: public administration, public governance, public financial management and technological innovation. He has been a Consultant and Lecturer in the area of government and public administration in Brazil and abroad. His main work and activities are targeted at professionals in the areas of public administration, public finance and management of technological innovation.

Matias-Pereira has written nearly one hundred articles and over a dozen books in his areas of expertise. His books have been adopted as textbooks in various universities in Brazil and abroad at both undergraduate and graduate courses in business administration, economics, accounting, political science, sociology and law.