Ecosystem Positioning: AI Considerations and Geo-Political Reflection
Frank Lorne, Premalkumar Amin, Nazmul Hasan

Ecosystem positioning entails storytelling for a package of things and not just about a single product. The uncertainty about competing environments is not purely driven by emerging technologies. Positioning amidst uncertainties entails gaining customer loyalty and setting a future direction for the business. Translytical-data permits machine learning of all kinds that recommends AI users as well as recruitment of early adopters. The use of data and AI is recognized as an important tool based on algorithms, utilizing digital dialogues generated from one-on-one inquiries as well as from various social media conversations. If AI can serve to inform individuals, it could serve to inform business positioning as well. The complete dominance of a particular ecosystem is only an ideal, even though all businesses aim for that as the holy grail. The AI marketing of today provides direct linkages of a particular vender to a particular end user. It highlighted the essence of a two-sided market driven by AI. The ecosystem of chips is important, though not necessarily the required winning edge. Geopolitics often plays a role in ecosystem positioning, but a case study of driverless cars in this paper suggests that positioning can go beyond technical capabilities, which is ever changing. Lifestyles matter. With that, ecosystem positioning goes beyond geopolitics.

Full Text: PDF     DOI: 10.15640/jmpp.v11n1a1